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Left clicking on the Buy Button from within a review will take you directly to that book at where you can purchase the title.

Please note that the book at Amazon will be the same title as that reviewed (E&OE) but may not be the same edition and/or format. As a rule we will generally try to link to the most current physical edition and the cheapest format, i.e. the latest paperback. Please check when buying you are getting the book edition and format you want. If you are after an electronic edition for the Kindle you will need to change format; we will only link to a Kindle edition if this is the only format available.

Please also note that due to the age of some of the Reviews you may find the book is no longer in print and the only available option is to buy a used copy through Amazon Marketplace, which can sometimes be expensive. If this is the case we would recommend you also check out other secondhand booksellers, such as, to get the best deal.

Sometimes a link will fail. In this case you will either get the BookLore Amazon search page or the generic Amazon error page.

BookLore is a free site run by readers who love books. We keep advertising to an absolute minimum and you will never see banners splashed across the tops of pages or be plagued by pop-ups. If you acquire anything from Amazon through one of the Buy links BookLore receives a small percentage of the purchase price. This helps to keep the site going and does not cost you anything.

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