East Markham Book Club
by Jilly Cooper

Set against the glorious Cotswold countryside, Riders offers an intoxicating blend of swooning romance, adventure and hilarious high jinks.

Brooding hero Jake Lovell, under whose magic hands even the most difficult horse or woman is charmed, is driven by his loathing of the dashing darling of the show ring, Rupert Campbell-Black.

Having pinched each other’s horses and drunk their way around the capitals of Europe, the feud between the two men finally erupts with devastating consequences at the Los Angeles Olympics...

A classic bestseller, Riders takes the lid off international show jumping, a sport where the brave horses are almost human, but the humans behave like animals.

Next Meeting Sunday 17th October 2021 at 7.30pm

Club Opinion

Riders was chosen due to its inclusion on many ‘top 100 books to read’ lists, it was a first-time read (honest) for most book club members. Everyone agreed that it was an easy read and quite a page-turner, though considered not as saucy as when it was first published – the bar has been raised in that respect since 1985! Times have definitely changed since its release and some aspects were a little jarring, but if you can read it with a recognition of the time it was written, it’s a good holiday tome.

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